Church ends. Old ladies and grandmas approach you and ask the bone-drilling, nail-biting, apprehension-filled question:
“What are you going to do after you graduate?”
They inquire it with a hopeful, patient smile
All you can do is return a shrug and a few ideas

“What are you going to study next year?”
The last two words hang in the air
As the reality of time startles your soul
Awakens anxiety that trembles bold

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While I was a new driver, one of the couple of times I was picking up my friend to hang out, we were talking about my driving. She trusted me to be a good driver, even though I expressed my uneasiness due to having a lack of experience. She understood and reassured me that with time that anxiety will go away and that always being safe is important as well. One of us came up with the slogan…

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Sat down in a circle of six of us, being there for you.
Crickets chirped. The stars were so beautiful and visible.
Two girls on both sides of you had their arms on your back,
For reassurance that they were there
Reminding you quietly that you’re not alone

We all prayed independently, sat in silence
Staring at you, then at the stars
It was a peaceful moment, yet my anxiety made me worry so bad
I didn’t know if you hit your head or if you had any critical injuries

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I started doodling this in Christian Apologetics, later worked on it at speech tournaments in between rounds as a way of relaxing, then finally got around to finishing it March 9, 2022. I wanted to finish it because I loved how it turned out and it makes me proud of myself. Sadly, I need to get a different kind of tape or something to get the white paper to stick to the black boarder paper; I used double-sided tape, but it didn’t stick well.

Being able to illustrate the feelings I feel well helps me cope with those feelings and get them out in a healthy way.

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This is a podcast project looking at an object that tells a story over various sections of history. My topic summarized in one word is “cherish”. The long version is “cherishing life despite the circumstances”. The object I chose is the photograph below, which I’ll reference in the podcast.

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